Thursday, December 20, 2012

Here Comes Santa and a White Poodle

Tuesday for my birthday we took the kids
to see Santa at the mall.
It happened to be bring your pet night
and the kids loved seeing all the pets,
mainly dogs.
We got there right before six, and the line
was pretty long(so we stood with the same people and their animals/kids
for a while........

It was finely getting closer as my children where getting
VERY inpatient.
We were next, the older prissy lady in front
of us had a white poodle.
This woman was made up from hair to toe.
 Her  black hair perfectly backcombed her flashy jewelry,
and red and black outfit were sure to please
It was what we thought was
 the very white clean poodle
complete with Santa hat's turn.

Lo and behold the lady drops her large expensive bag on the ground

We all looked in amazement are we sure we
see what we see?
She ended up taking 5 or 6 shots, having to look
at them, and then telling them she wanted to retake them!!!!

She was still picking out her package of pictures
when we were paying for ours!!!!!

This is one Santa trip Lance and I will never forget
o and her is our picture.

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