Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Camping Trip

We headed to Kerrville Friday for a little getaway camping trip.  It was so different being somewhere we'd never been.  

We went to town to the square to a craft fair they were having.  We had some yummy kettle corn!

Good times a Cracker Barrel!
It did rain on and off and it was so cool compaired to our usuall camping weather but it was nice.

Time to get our fish on!

The perch were bitting left and right!

I hold the record for largest perch on this trip!

The rains going to start again!

Gran and Papa

Pop Sickle Memory-when it rains on camping trips you get the games out.

We had to take a trip to the ice cold pool!

Happy Anniversary Gran And Papa!


  1. Looks like fun! I love how you guys all go together!! Emma's going to be a fishing PRO!!

  2. Family, camping, and Cracker Barrel - I love everything about this post!!! And the red white and blue - so cute!!!
