Wednesday, August 13, 2014


This summer has been such a emotional roller coaster .  I have never relied on Jesus like I have this summer.  Good things have come from such a horrible horrible ordeal.  I know that's what God wants from us when He walks us through a hard season in life.   Some days when I woke up, I would say God has given me this, now what will I do with this.....will I lay here  ad Waller in my sadness or will I try to bring some glory to  God in this.   I know my Daddy wouldn't want me to lay down and give up with all this hurt inside.  He gave me strength  and a will to push through hard times.   So, everyday  when I feel like I'm going to throw up  and my chest hurts so bad gfrom the hurt, I can here  my Daddy say get up  tootie bring God some glory push through it won't be long until we are together again.  As my Daddy would say "we are just selfish, that's why it's so hard after someone passes away.

So, I'm ready for some healing and for Emma to start big school, and for the fall.  I know Daddy and Papa will be watching from above so proud of the kids.  O how we miss you, Daddy.


  1. Can't imagine the daily pain you are living with. Love you friend.

  2. We are continuing to pray for you all. You said it perfectly the way he would have too, but doing it isn't always as easy as knowing you need to. Love y'all.

  3. i don't know your story but it sounds like you lost your daddy.. as with seasons life too ahs them and some are welcome and some are stormy and cold. I don't know if god does bad things or sad ones but I do know he brings us through them and even if it doesn't seem like it at the time or even fair we can all learn something from them and there are blessing that will be connected to them.. I don't have a greta realationship with my father he just never grew up and had issues.. however I am comforted that there are wonderful men like my husband and your father to do the work and leave impressions for him.. god bless you and may you find comfort and peace even when you allow your self to fele the raw emotions its healthy! if you do feel too scared at times or the pain is really starting to become unbarable please seek a support group they have some very awesome christinan or godly based ones! don't forget to make your daddys fave dish this holiday and dedicate it to him!!
