Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Out and About

Last Friday we had our annual trip through the lights down town with friends.  We always have such a good time.  
Lance is always so nice to put lights on his trailer.  
We got lots of candy canes yum yum!
The living nativity was such a great surprise!  It was if it was just for us.  Since it was the first day there wasn't too many people out.  
After the lights we came back to the house to visit and eat pancakes.  I can't tell you enough how blessed we are to have such a great group of friends, and it's growing!
The weather was great so the guys and kids played outside;)
Then Saturday we were up and at 'em early to meet Elsa from frozen.  I'll try not to complain to much but that was a rip off!
The girls were good sports about it.  All Emma said was that was not the real Elsa!  
We went home to rest a little then headed out to the parade.  It was fun and really dark!
I LOVE Christmas with my babies;)

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