Monday, November 29, 2010


We had a nice Thanksgiving with both our families, and had time to catch up with Granny and Uncle Landon too~
 we looked at the adds~

ate good food!
and took pretty pictures~
then Friday Gran brought us lunch and we planted out daffodil bulbs~

EG thought they were onions!
Then Saturday we ran to Christmas In Ballinger~ It wasn't that good but it was nice to look at something different~  I did buy some cute books at one of the stores for EG and "Bubbie" for Christmas~and  We ate pizza at the Italian restaurant it was so good~

this girl is a mess!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had a great Thanksgiving!!

    Yesterday, Kylee had a late nap which equals bad mood, when she woke up, I was holding her on the computer, and I was trying all kinds of tricks to make her happy, and I said, "You want to see pictures of Emma, loudly "NO", then quickly, real soft she said, "yes", so I showed her your blog, and she started smiling, and saying Emma, and then Emma's mommy.

    So sweet! So thanks to your blog for making Kylee happy when nothing else can!!
