Monday, December 13, 2010


We had a pretty busy weekend for us~ Friday night was our church dinner, it was nice to visit and see everyone.  I didn't get to many pictures~
our music minister Robert and wife Ivy
and our preacher Chad and wife Julie

what are you up to Lance?

I am so thankful our our little church and our wonderful friends we have made!
Saturday Emma Grace went to the Halfmann Christmas in Olfen with her Grandma and Grandpa~

what a sweet girl!

Then Sunday we went to church and came home to rest before the Christmas Play~

I hope these two little lambs are friends fr life~ What a sweet blessing!

sweet angels~

Wise Men~
more sheep running around!

These kids melt my heart~
Too Much Sugar!!!
Not to sure about this~ Kylee did it so it must be ok?
Santa Who?
counting our candy!

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